Hi Youssef, yep it looks like heartbeat was deprecated in CentOS 7 and Rhel I guess so, but it’s not a big problem, as you can use any other software instead heartbeat with this tutorial, you just need a failover IP between hosts with HAProxy, for example Corosync it’s first that I found from RedHat community:
Also you can use the EPEL repo to get the RPM Heartbeat package in to CentOS or Rhel I guess.
Add repo from EPEL:
sudo rpm -ivh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpmsudo yum updateyum install heartbeat
Or something like this :) I’m not so close to centos and rhel, so I guess you can find right way in internet.
Have a nice day.